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Practice FAQs

Where are practices located?
Sendero Springs Pool located at 4203 Pasada Ln in Round Rock, TX. 78681.

How often are practices?
Practices begin after school in May and occur Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday. No Wednesday practice for most of May. Once school is out, practices are held M-F mornings. Practice times are set by the coaches, with an emphasis on making sure there is adequate lane space for each practice time, and that all swimmers are getting the best possible instruction for their ability level.

What do swimmers wear and bring to practice?
Swimmers should wear competition style swimsuit. They should also have goggles, a swim cap, a towel, and a water bottle. Put your name on everything you bring to the pool.  Swimmers are welcome to bring their own kick board and fins but they are not required.  

What do parents do at practice?
Parents need to bring their swimmers to the Sendero Springs pool with the equipment and supplies they need.  Parents can also check their family folders. Once those items have been completed, parents can find a seat to watch their swimmer or go for a walk on the trail. Please note, coaches are not available to speak with parents during practices are they are ensuring each swimmers gets their full attention.

What is a Family Folder?
Each family will have a folder. The folders will be in alphabetical order by family last name. After each meet, any ribbons won will be placed in the swimmer's family folder. In addition DQ slips and other items of interest can be found there. Please check your family folder at all practices.

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